Tooth loss can occur for many reasons including periodontal disease, decay or trauma. But that doesn’t mean you can’t replace them.
The loss of your teeth can have negative effects on your self-confidence, your bite and your ability to chew food thoroughly. Since your teeth provide structure and support to your cheeks, tooth loss can also cause sagging of your cheeks and make you appear older than you are. For these and other reasons, it is essential that your missing teeth are replaced as soon as possible.
Dentures are removable replacements for your teeth, designed to look and function like your own natural teeth and surrounding gum tissues. Modern-day dentures can look very realistic and natural and feel incredibly comfortable.
TYPES OF DENTURES When all your teeth are missing, a complete denture is used to replace them, whereas if only a few teeth need replacing, a partial denture or overdenture is used. Partial dentures serve a vital purpose by preventing your existing, healthy teeth from shifting following tooth loss.
With advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, there are now a wide variety of materials available for dentures, though they are generally made from acrylic resins. Your dentist will explain all your available options.
We provide complete dentures for people with multiple tooth loss who want a full set of replacement teeth for enhanced dental function and a beautiful smile. Complete dentures are natural looking and comfortable and provide excellent oral function as well as peace of mind.
Teeth lost through infection or damage leave gaps between the teeth that can cause problems with eating and speaking, oral discomfort, and facial volume loss as the bone shrinks. Partial dentures can replace one or more missing teeth and prevent these problems. Partial dentures are easy to wear and offer improved comfort when speaking and eating.
On your first appointment, your dentist will assess your needs and thoroughly examine your mouth to make sure your mouth is suitable for dentures.
Some of your existing teeth may need to be extracted or you may need treatment to get your gums into good health before commencing any treatment.
An impression (mould) of your gums will be taken and used as a model to create your personalised and custom-made dentures.
A dental technician will create your dentures to your dentist’s exact specifications.
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Dentures should be held in place by their natural suction to your gums. However, if they do come loose when eating certain foods, a fixative may also be used to help stabilise them.
Thanks to advanced treatments, dentures can now be fixed securely and permanently in place by attaching them to dental implants or mini implants, giving you the confidence to eat whatever you want without your dentures coming loose or falling out.
This new implant based treatment is very popular with our patients, and though the cost is somewhat higher, they can have a dramatic effect on your quality of life.
Complete dentures are a full set of replacement teeth used as a treatment for people who have lost all their teeth or had their teeth removed due to gum infection or injury. Complete dentures can replace the top, bottom or both sets of teeth.
Everyone is different and a lot depends on the type of dental treatment required prior to being fitted with complete dentures, however most patients adapt very quickly - usually within a few days or weeks.
Complete dentures are designed to last between five and ten years. Of course, this depends on how they are cared for and the amount of pressure placed on the dentures, such as in the case of teeth grinding. They are considered a long-term replacement solution for patients with missing teeth.
Complete dentures are brushed like normal teeth to remove food debris and plaque which, if left alone, discolours teeth and may cause gum infection. Professional products are available for complete denture hygiene and our clinician will advise you about these products and the steps you can take to maintain good oral hygiene.
This depends on many factors, including how well you take care of them and in terms of general wear and tear. Over time, dentures can become loose as your gums shrink and your bite changes. When this happens, you may need a simple modification or, in some cases, a new set of dentures.
Although the idea of a metal denture may be daunting to many people, they provide a number of benefits to the lives of denture wearers who have experienced a lack of confidence due to an unattractive smile or previously loose plastic (acrylic) denture.
Metal dentures are usually smaller than acrylic dentures and do not fully cover the roof of the mouth the way acrylic dentures do. Because the roof of the mouth is left uncovered, many denture wearers have a better sense of taste.
In addition, the durable nature of the metal appliances means they are less likely to break or bend out of shape and last longer than traditional forms of acrylic denture replacement.
Initially we will assess your teeth to make sure that a metal denture is the right treatment for you. If it is, we will then take impressions of your teeth and gums and ask the laboratory to produce your custom made metal denture. The process usually takes a few weeks.
Once the denture is ready, we will fit it and make any adjustments necessary.
Yes, acrylic dentures can also be used to fill gaps or replace teeth from the upper or lower jaw using pink, plastic dentures that are supported primarily by the gums.
During your consultation our Waterside dentist will discuss the different types of dentures available and help you choose the treatment best for you.
Acrylic dentures are simple in design, cost-effective, and made to fit and support oral function and facial expression. They are an ideal temporary teeth replacement solution, allowing underlying gum tissue to heal after tooth extraction. Once the tooth extraction site heals, acrylic dentures are replaced with a non-temporary teeth replacement treatment.
When teeth are missing, chewing ability is impaired which can affect food choices, digestion and nutrition. Acrylic dentures allow patients to eat, chew and speak normally for improved health and quality of life.
Your dentist will first assess your dental health and suitability for acrylic dentures. If you are a suitable patient and you choose the treatment, a dental impression will be made that a laboratory technician will use as a guide to make your custom-made dentures.
Your acrylic dentures may be adjusted and fitted on the same day.
There are three main types of tooth replacement for individuals with missing teeth, depending on their clinical evaluation and preference.
Alternative options to acrylic dentures include metal dentures made from cobalt chrome, a hybrid of flexible and metal dentures, and flexible dentures such as Valplast.
Cobalt chrome dentures are sturdy and durable, meeting the needs of robust chewing function with hardy dentures. Dentures may also be stabilised with tooth coloured metal clasps for a more natural appearance.
Flexible dentures adjust to mouth shape. They may be better suited to those with irregular mouth contours or when implants are not a viable option.
When submerged in hot water, flexible dentures mould to your mouth’s shape for gentle yet effective wear. They offer improved aesthetics for patients concerned about unsightly metal clasps. Flexible dentures are known for their retention, comfort, ease of use and natural looking features.
Get in touch with us for additional information about acrylic dentures and missing teeth replacement options. Our team is here to help you make informed choices about your oral health to improve self-confidence and enhance your quality of life.
Acrylic Dentures
Maintaining acrylic dentures is similar to cleaning existing teeth. Normal tooth brushing is necessary to avoid bacterial growth, which could otherwise cause tooth decay and oral disease. A range of denture cleaning products are available in stores, pharmacies or through the dentist. Our dentist will advise you on how best to clean and care for your acrylic dentures.
Complete Dentures
Complete dentures may be submerged in water and cleaned in a sink. Whilst cleaning, be sure to keep water in the sink in case it slips out of your hand. If your denture hits the bottom of an empty sink the denture may fracture or break. Wearing damaged dentures may cause oral trauma and potential tooth loss so be sure to contact your dentist immediately should you damage them.
Night Time Care
Both your dentures and any remaining teeth should be cleaned every night before sleep and after every meal. Most dentists recommend denture removal at night so your soft gum tissue may rest and “breathe”.
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8:30am - 5:00pm
7:45am - 1:00pm
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(Closed for lunch: 1:00pm-2:00pm)
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Waterside Dental
7 Waterside
BT51 3DP
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 5:00pm
7:45am - 1:00pm
Closed for lunch 1:00pm to 2:00pm